## version $VER: FlexCat.catalog 2.2 (12.04.99) Vit Sindlar, ATO-CZ ## language ## codeset 0 ;#language english ;#version 2 ; FlexCat 2.2 ; FlexCat: The flexible catalog generator ; Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Jochen Wiedmann and Marcin Orlowski ; The following defines a sequence of strings. Each definition looks as ; follows: ; MSG_STRING_NAME (num/minlen/maxlen) ; text ; where: ; MSG_STRING_NAME is the name of the macro-definition, that will be used ; to get the string. ; num is the number, which MSG_STRING_NAME will stand for ; minlen is the minimum length of "text" (this may be missing) ; maxlen is the maximum length of "text" (this may be missing ; too) ; text is the text, the string will contain ; Each definition is preceded by a remark, which tells what the string ; is used for. ; Error message: Out of memory. msgMemoryError Nedostatek pam ;Out of memory! ; Warning message; must contain one %s (file), one %d (line number) ; DON'T EAT THE TRAILING SPACE HERE! msgWarning dek %d; upozorn ;%s, Line %d; warning: \ ; Warning message: Expected hex character. msgExpectedHex ctkov znak (jeden z [0-9a-fA-F]). ;Expected hex character (one of [0-9a-fA-F]). ; Warning message: Expected octal character. msgExpectedOctal n osmi znak (jeden z [0-7]). ;Expected octal character (one of [0-7]). ; Error message: Cannot open catalog description; must contain one %s ; (file name) msgNoCatalogDescription Nelze otev t soubor s popisem katalogu %s. ;Cannot open catalog description %s. ; Warning message: Too much Lengthbytes; must contain one %d (maximum). msgNoLengthBytes LengthBytes > %d (sizeof long) nen povolena. ;LengthBytes > %d (sizeof long) not possible. ; Warning message: Unknown catalog description command. msgUnknownCDCommand kaz v souboru s popisem katalogu ;Unknown catalog description command ; Warning message: Unexpected blank. msgUnexpectedBlanks znaky. ;Unexpected blanks. ; Warning message: Identifier expected. msgNoIdentifier identifik ;Missing identifier. ; Warning message: '(' expected. msgNoLeadingBracket '('. ;Missing '('. ; Warning message: Identifier number redeclared. msgDoubleID slo pou ito dvakr ;ID number used twice. ; Warning message: Identifier redeclared. msgDoubleIdentifier Identifik tor znovu nadefinov ;Identifier redeclared. ; Warning message: '/' expected (MinLen). msgNoMinLen no MinLen (znak '/'). ;Expected MinLen (character '/'). ; Warning message: '/' expected (MaxLen). msgNoMaxLen no MaxLen (znak '/'). ;Expected MaxLen (character '/'). ; Warning message: ')' expected. msgNoTrailingBracket no ')'. ;Expected ')'. ; Warning message: Extra characters msgExtraCharacters Na konci dku jsou znaky nav ;Extra characters at the end of the line. ; Warning message: Missing catalog string msgNoString zakon souboru (chyb zec catalog). ;Unexpected end of file (missing catalog string). ; Warning message: String too short. msgShortString zec je p ;String too short. ; Warning message: String too long. msgLongString zec je p dlouh ;String too long. ; Error message: No catalog translation file; must contain one %s (file ; name). msgNoCatalogTranslation Nelze otev t soubor s p ekladem katalogu %s. ;Cannot open catalog translation file %s. ; Warning message: Missing catalog translation command. msgNoCTCommand V souboru s p ekladem katalogu chyb kaz. (O n druh '#'.) ;Missing catalog translation command. (Expected second '#'.) ; Warning message: Unknown catalog translation command. msgUnknownCTCommand kaz v souboru s p ekladem. ;Unknown catalog translation command. ; Error message: Missing catalog translation version. msgNoCTVersion zec s verz ; pou ijte bu ##version\n\ nebo ##rcsid a ##name. ;Missing catalog translation version; use either ##version\n\ ;or ##rcsid and ##name. ; Error message: Missing catalog translation language. msgNoCTLanguage zec s volbou jazyka; pou ijte ##language. ;Missing catalog translation language. ; Error message: Cannot open catalog file. Must contain one %s (file name). msgNoCatalog Nelze otev t katalog: %s. ;Cannot open catalog file %s. ; Error message: Cannot create catalog translation file. Must contain ; one %s (file name). msgNoNewCTFile Nelze vytvo it soubor s p ekladem katalogu %s. ;Cannot create catalog translation file %s. ; Warning message: Unknown identifier. Must contain one %s (identifier). msgUnknownIdentifier %s chyb v souboru s popisem katalogu. ;%s missing in catalog description. ; Error message: No source description file. Must contain one %s (file ; name). msgNoSourceDescription Nelze otev t soubor s popisem katalogu %s. ;Cannot open source description file %s. ; Error message: No source file. Must contain one %s (file name). msgNoSource Nelze otev t zdrojov soubor %s. ;Cannot open source file %s. ; Warning message: Unknown string type msgUnknownStringType typ ;Unknown string type. ; Warning message: Missing trailing ')' in %(..). msgNoTerminateBracket konec dku. (Chyb ')') ;Unexpected end of line. (Missing ')') ; Usage message msgUsage CDFILE Soubor s popisem katalogu\n\ CTFILE Soubor s p ekladem katalogu\n\ CATALOG V sledn katalog\n\ NEWCTFILE Soubor s popisem katalogu, kter bude vytvo en\n\ SOURCES Zdrojov texty, kter bodou vytvo eny; mus co jako\n\ sfile=sdfile, kde sfile je zdrojov text a sdfile je\n\ zdrojov text souboru s popisem katalogu\n\ WARNCTGAPS Upozor uje na chyb znaky v souboru CT\n\ NOOPTIM Zak e prov optimalizace katalogu\n\ FILL Pou ije texty ze souboru CD tam, kde chyb eklad\n\ FLUSH Vypr po kompilaci katalogu\n\ NOBEEP Potla DisplayBeep() p i chybov ch hl ch\n\ QUIET Potla upozorn na chyby ; CDFILE Catalog description file to scan\n\ ; CTFILE Catalog translation file to scan\n\ ; CATALOG Catalog file to create\n\ ; NEWCTFILE Catalog translation file to create\n\ ; SOURCES Sources to create; must be something like sfile=sdfile,\n\ ; where sfile is a sourcefile and sdfile is a source\n\ ; description file\n\ ; WARNCTGAPS Warn symbols missing in CT file\n\ ; NOOPTIM Do not skip unchanged strings (equal in both #?.cd and #?.ct)\n\ ; FILL Use descriptor texts if translation are missing\n\ ; FLUSH Flush memory when catalog is written\n\ ; NOBEEP Suppress DisplayBeep()'s on error and warnings\n\ ; QUIET Suppress warning messages ; Error message: No catalog translation argument msgNoCTArgument i vytv katalogu je nutn t jako parametr soubor s p ekladem katalogu.\n ;Creating a catalog needs a catalog translation file as argument.\n ; Warning message: No binary characters. msgNoBinChars znaky v zci typu None. ;Binary characters in stringtype None. ; Warning message: Gap in CT file. msgCTGap ID %s chyb v souboru CT. ;ID %s missing in CT file. ; Warning: Catalog language declared twice msgDoubleCTLanguage zec s volbou jazyka je v katalogu dvakr ;Catalog language declared twice. ; Warning: Catalog version declared twice msgDoubleCTVersion zec s verz je v katalogu dvakr ;Catalog version declared twice. ; Warning: Wrong Rcs ID msgWrongRcsId Neplatn rcs ID (mus co jako\n\ '$Date: dd/mm/rr$ $Revision: vv.rr$') ;Incorrect rcs ID (must be similar to\n\ ;'$Date: yy/mm/dd$ $Revision: vv.rr$') ; NEW IN 1.9 msgUsageHead ;Usage msgPrefsError Chyba p i zpracov prom FlexCat.prefs, budou pou ity z kladn hodnoty.\n\ ablona pro nastaven ;Error processing FlexCat.prefs variable, falling back to defauls.\n\ ;Preferences template: \ ; NEW IN 2.0 ; NOTE: This string is concatenated with msgUsage, so make sure you ; indented it the same way etc. And DON'T MISS trailing LF here! ; Type FLEXCAT and check how it looks. msgUsage_2 NOLANGTOLOWER Zabr evodu n zvu #language na mal smena\n\ NOBUFFEREDIO Vypne z ky pro V/V operace\n\ MODIFIED Vytvo katalog pouze tehdy, byly-li zm ny soubory #?.c(d|t)\n ; NOLANGTOLOWER Prevents #language name from being lowercased\n\ ; NOBUFFEREDIO Disables IO buffers\n\ ; MODIFIED Creates the catalog only when #?.c(d|t) files were changed\n ; NEW IN 2.0 msgUpToDate Soubor %s ji je aktualizovan ;File %s is up to date msgCantCheckDate Nelze na st datum souboru %s ;Cannot get the datestamp of %s ; NEW IN 2.2 msgUsage_3 COPYMSGNEW Zapne vkl ky **NEW** p i aktualizaci souboru #?.ct\n\ OLDMSGNEW Pou -li star soubor #?.ct jinou zna ku, uve te ji zde ; COPYMSGNEW Turns on copying **NEW** markers while updating #?.ct file\n\ ; OLDMSGNEW If old #?.ct file is using other marker, specify it here msgTrailingEllipsis zec obsahuje z vorky (...) ;Original string has a trailing ellipsis (...) msgTrailingSpaces zec obsahuje mezery ;Original string has a trailing spaces